801-769-6604 jakegarn@gmail.com

The Cheshire Cat

When life becomes a dance of rainbows there will always be a mischievously wise voice providing baffling and vexing commentary during your life travels.  When this happens, take a deep breath, listen closely to your own heart, and don’t let your head confuse the...

Chase of the Jungle

Over New Years eve of this year I followed my heart out to LA. When people asked why I was going I told them it was to try and meet interesting people doing interesting things, and I was telling the truth. I had no idea what I was doing, I didn’t set up a single...

Rest in Love

I shot this image of Anastasia in November of 2009. It was our first and only shoot, though we discussed shooting again we had a bit of trouble synching up again… I’m bad at that sometimes. In February of this year, when news came to me that she had passed...

Canon Bares All

Canon released interior images of the Canon 5D Markiii. Ok, I don’t know how to feel about this. What good could it possibly do any of us to look at a Camera without clothes on? Sure, it’s beautiful but… is it ok? Is Canon just trying showing off,...

Sarah B. Band in Concert

A good friend of mine plays bass in an amazing Hawaiian reggae and soul band fronted by his beautiful sister, Hawaiian born singer and songwriter Sarah B.  Ever since I heard their music I’ve been wanting to put together a little video collage with photos, when...