801-769-6604 jakegarn@gmail.com

A couple weekends ago we did a little Shoot For Love workshop just outside a little town in Utah called Park City.  It was a great time, lots of fun, a couple more blog posts about it are to come but they will live on www.shootforlove.com.

At the workshop I took some photos, the attendees got to watch.  It was fun.  It got cold at times, especially for one of the models.

Thank you to Heather, Shay and especially thank you to Samantha.   For obvious reasons!

Assisted by: Steven Wood, Tiffany Sanchez, Stuart Hackworth, Lindsey LaJeunesse, Dave Brewer… and of course Mr. Wood’s cell phone.  A casualty of the lake that unfortunate day.  Well worth it though, mainly because it wasn’t my cell phone or my fault.  🙂

Utah Fashion Photography