801-769-6604 jakegarn@gmail.com



I believe that the world is a miraculous place filled with beautiful people, inspiring ideas and overflowing with love.

I also see a myriad of symptoms in this world alerting us to the fact that we have lost our way.  Wars.  Poverty.  Pollution.  It’s tempting to find people to blame for the ills of this world, makes it easier to handle in so many ways, but the fact is the only thing we need to find the source of all the pain is a mirror to look at ourselves.

After all that’s what this world is, a mirror.  As we heal ourselves we heal the ones we love, as we heal the ones we love they heal the ones they love.  Before long an awakening occurs.  The world’s motives change to love, away from whatever the opposite of love is in all it’s many forms.

There is power in beauty.  There is power in art.  There is power is symbols and there is power in ideas.  Lately I’ve been attracted to the ideas and symbols from ancient people.

Some of the images I have been creating have started to contain these symbols, and this one is no exception.  I love simplicity as much as I love complexity.

The scarab beetle is an Egyptian symbol of spiritual rebirth, the lemurian quartz crystal is said to have a healing property of love stored within the lines on it’s sides.  This is my attempt to share what I see in the world…. a rebirth of healing and love.

Welcome to the new world, can’t wait to see you all on the other side.

Model is Liberty | Crystal wrapping by Wired & Stoned – find them on instagram @wiredandstoned | Digital makeup & Photography by Jake Garn