Tonight I realized something about myself… I use words too much.
I started working on this image of Samantha and I saw something that wasn’t there. I found a blank sheet of paper and a pen I accidentally stole from the bank and started sketching. All angel wings. Different styles, until on the third or fourth sketch I tried just wiggly lines.
Then the image spoke to me. I’ve been having several deep conversations with many people this week and in almost every one of them the topic has brushed on the work of unseen angels amongst us.
I sincerely believe there are angels amongst us. Do you?
Here’s to hoping we all have the courage to act on our personal discoveries.
Dedicated to one of my favorite models. She knows.
Post Script
After starting this blog post I noticed the similarity to one of Ryan Muirhead‘s masterpieces. Re-posted here without his permission. (he can sue me if he wants but I’d counter sue him for the $80 filter I bought from him that still hasn’t been delivered. EDIT: Ryan immediately wrote me claiming he brought me the filter, the matter is currently under investigation. 😛
The similarities are unintentional and there may be influence but simultaneous similarities are too abundant not to ignore. This tells me something about ideas…
Great post! I know there are angels among us. Also I love Ryans image, thanks for sharing.
Candace, I was just barely talking about you to my wife, like 10 seconds ago! Crazy, oh, and thanks for saying nice things about MY image… Flame! 🙂
That is one of my favorite photos of Ryan’s. I fell in love with it the first time I saw it.
I believe that angels are real and are among us. They just take different shapes and forms. I think they show themselves to remind us that they are real and they are apart of our every days lives…But the wings do look good..
Love the idea and your image. Angels are around is all the time; you just have to quiet your thoughts and listen…..
Your so creative and it makes me happy to know that I am not the only person in Utah with ultra amazing creative ideas and style. 😉 Good work Jake! Haley Brinkerhoff is my neighbor, she did my photo shoot this last week, she spoke very highly of you when we were talking about photography styles. Just thought I would let you know….Hope to work with you one of these days!
I think your work is brilliant. It is unsettling to think you think you use too many words – a BIG part of your charm is the words you add to the pictures. The titles for your photos are a huge draw for me, and it is rare to see someone provide a narrative with so few words to describe stark images. I’m hoping you keep that part, if nothing else.
Absolutely dude .. and great photos (both yours and Ryans!)
I think I was just on the dark side that day, so that one called to me! But I loved the whole concept & of course your image too! :p
I LOVE the repetition of your sketch in the laces. Whether deliberate or accidental, it’s mint. I’m a huge fan of contrasts/contradictions. Your image of the woman at peace, contrasted against the chaos of the wings and the disorder of the laces is ……………. (thinks of pithy words) ………… (fails) ………….. effing brilliant.
Thanks so much Mark! 🙂